Growing Paradise Sasanqua Camellias  

Paradise sasanqua Camellia’s are one of the most versatile and easily grown shrubs available today. They tolerate a wide range of soil and climatic conditions, and as long as a few simple steps are followed they’ll bring joy to gardens everywhere.


Camellia sasanquas grow equally well in sun or shade. In full sun they benefit from a thick mulch applied around the plant to keep the roots cool in summer. Where conditions are very hot or windy, young plants can be protected by a screen of shade cloth or sacking for the first year.


We are often asked if camellia sasanquas grow in full shade. Yes they do. They love shade. In a very shady place their growth habit may be more open, but otherwise they grow and flower well in these conditions.


Camellias prefer a well-drained acid soil. They will not grow in water-logged areas and, in places where the water does not drain away easily, they will most likely not thrive.

Heavy soils accommodate camellias equally as well as sandy soils and in all soil types the addition of well-composted manure, peat or compost worked into the soil will greatly benefit your plants. Take care not to use mushroom compost in large amounts.


If the soil is friable and well-prepared, planting should not be a problem. Ensure that the top of the soil level in the pot is level with the top of the bed. If planting in clay soils, dig a large planting hole and mix in plenty of compost or peat moss. Make sure water can drain away.


It is advisable to stake your camellia when you plant. As your sasanqua grows, the new growth often bends over until the wood hardens. By staking you will produce a larger plant more quickly.


After planting you must water around the base of each camellia for several weeks. This is most important because, until the roots grow out of their original pot soil into your surrounding damp soil, the soil area containing the roots can dry out. This will result in leaf drop, especially on hot or windy days. In our nursery during hot weather we water daily. If the soil is well-drained it is difficult to over-water.


Mulch on top of the soil around your plant keeps the roots cool and damp and is most beneficial.


The most frequent reason camellias die is because they are fed at the wrong time.

Feed your camellias only in spring or summer. You normally buy camellias in autumn or winter but if you buy and apply your fertiliser at the same time, you may kill them. So be patient and wait for spring.

How much food depends on the type of fertiliser you use. For young plants and potted plants a slow release fertiliser applied once in spring is quite good.

Large established plants are best fed with camellia and azalea food once in spring and again in mid summer. Use one handful per square metre of surface area, no more.

Manures are good to use but take care not to use too much at any one time especially with poultry manure – a little used often is best.


Where there is vigorous young growth camellia sasanquas often look leggy. We do not advise pruning this growth, as the next growth flush fills out the plants.

Prune at any time of the year, but remember your flowers form on the growth made in spring. Prune off this spring growth and you will be pruning off your flowers. The best time to prune is in winter, when flowering has finished.

Pests and Diseases

Camellias planted in well-drained soil with regular feeding are rarely affected by pests and diseases. They are one of the easiest plants to grow and reward by flowering from late summer through to early winter.


Being autumn flowering, camellias usually flower before frost can damage the blooms. Frost can however, damage the flowers in colder areas. In frosty open areas the foliage discolours and looks quite ill. But with the return of warm weather, the plants grow on again. Consistent temperatures below minus 5 degrees Celsius can kill camellias.


Paradise sasanqua Camellia are specifically selected for longer flowering periods, perfume, improved growth habits and different colours. Look out for the distinctive Paradise Camellia Labels and our detailed guide to Paradise sasanqua Camellia Varieties at your garden centre.

© 2001 Liddle Wonder Ltd
Pictures and information intended as a guide only - Apply local knowledge and advice.