Liddle Wonder's Plant Gallery
Marguerite Sunrise Rose
Argyranthemum frutescens 'Sunrise Rose'
Sunrise Rose has dainty rose- pink flowers with a frilly double centre. Has gorgeous flowers from early spring to early summer and with a further flush in autumn. Plant in sunny spot with good drainage. Protect from harsh frosts. Grows to 60cm. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Marguerite Supernova Carmine
Argyranthemum frutescens 'Supernova Carmine'
A quick grower with longer flower stems, each topped with a bright red flower with a pronouced yellow centre. In time the flowers fade through pink to buff. Grows to around 60cm tall with an upright habit. Plant in sunny spot with good drainage. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Marguerite Surprise Party
Argyranthemum frutescens 'Surprise Party'
Versatile, easy care, compact shrub which is ideal for feature planting in any garden setting. Ideal for large tubs. Flowers from spring through Autumn, with flushes occasionally throughout the rest of the year. Prune lightly after flowering. Likes full sun. 50x75cm. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Melicope Wharangi Gold
Melicope ternata 'Wharangi Gold'
Glossy, fragrant, golden yellow and green variegated leaves all year round. Inconspicuous, small, greenish white flowers appear in spring. Prefers a warm site with some shelter but will grow well in most garden situations in full sun and deep rich soil. 2 x 1.5 metres. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Meryta sinclairii
Meryta sinclairii
A handsome New Zealand native that will enhance a sheltered spot in many gardens. It has large, 30-40cm leaves, glossy and bold. When young the bush has a single stem, branching with age to form a bushy broad-topped specimen. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Metrosideros Butterscotch
Metrosideros excelsa 'Butterscotch'
Compact growing cutting grown selection exhibiting a fantastic floral display of fiery red flowers early in December. Slow growing in the garden but must be given adequate water until well established. Hardy. Excellent container specimen. 1 x 1.2m. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Metrosideros Frosty Morn
Metrosideros 'Frosty Morn'
A decorative and strong growing variegated excelsa variety, generally hardier in frosty areas. Has beautiful red flowers round about Christmas time. Height 5m unless pruned every third year. Withstands dry, windy and salt spray situations. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Metrosideros fulgens Gold syn Aurata
Metrosideros fulgens 'Gold syn Aurata'
A picture in our bush from February to early winter, the rata vine can be seen scrambling and twining over logs and up trees. In the wild, the vine will spread to 10m or more, but these new forms are propagated from adult foliage and form a rounded bush around a metre tall. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Metrosideros fulgens Jaffa
Metrosideros fulgens 'Jaffa'
A picture in our bush from February to early winter, the rata vine can be seen scrambling and twining over logs and up trees. In the wild, the vine will spread to 10m or more, but these new forms are propagated from adult foliage and form a rounded bush around a metre tall. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Metrosideros Harlequin
Metrosideros 'Harlequin'
An stunningly attractive variegated form of Southern rata.Slowly growing into a small tree it may take many years for before producing a brilliant fiery display of blood red blossom. A perfectly hardy plant in all areas. Great tub subject or container plant. 2.5 x 2 metre. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
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© 2005 Liddle Wonder Ltd
Pictures and information intended as a guide only - Apply local knowledge and advice.
Website by KingGrapes
