Liddle Wonder's Plant Gallery

Here's a gallery of many of the plants we've grown and sold over the last few years - some new, some novel and some just "plain old" all round garden performers.

These pages contain all those plants we still grow and many we used to grow. For a more definitive list of those we still grow, see our Plant Catalogue on the menu above. For completeness we continue to list plants we've "left behind" on our gallery pages. In some cases we've picked up improved varieties, in others plant fashions have changed, and we always have to make commercial decisions which see some varieties being deleted from our range.

For all plants you'll find ideas on their use, how to grow them, their features and benefits and often some background and history to their origins.

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© 2005 Liddle Wonder Ltd
Pictures and information intended as a guide only - Apply local knowledge and advice.
Website by KingGrapes
