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Felicia Blue Jay
Felicia 'Blue Jay'
A small compact evergreen perennial with masses of bright blue, yellow-centered flowers for long periods from spring through to autumn. Great in garden borders, en masse along a path, in patio pots and even as a feature in a low basket. If it ever gets a little wayward, simply prune heavily; the regenerated growth will be as good as ever.
An absolute picture from summer and into autumn when it's flushed with petite light-blue-violet flowers. They sit just above the foliage and contrast well against the small rich-green elliptical leaves. Margaret's a small grower and makes an exceptional container subject.
This variety's particularly showy with a long flowering season. Large blue to lilac flowers are held on the top of branches from mid-summer and through to early spring. It grows to form a rounded bush to a metre tall with glossy, green oval-shaped leaves.
Hardy, evergreen and colourful all year round. This is a high contrast shrub with glossy leaves with green centres edged in cream and silver. From spring right through until autumn the bush features delicious light purple brush-shaped flowers. One of the very best hebes around for a spot of all-year colour.
This dwarf daylily will stop you in your tracks. Summer brings clear golden-yellow clusters of flowers on short stems and beautiful variegated foliage. Foliage colour depends on light conditions. Striking green and white striped leaves are produced under shade conditions; green and yellow when grown in the sun. Grows 40 x 60 centimetres.
German-bred hortensia with free-flowering habit and bushy compact form. This clear blue hydrangea will fill your garden or deck with months of brilliant colour - new flowers are an exquisite pale blue and cream, maturing to a deeper blue. A compact variety ideal for use in containers on decks or patios.
Hydrangea evoke a special air of romance - they've got style and need very little attention to maintain their beautiful appearance. This dwarf cultivar retains the romance of old - with improvements in flowering, compactness, freedom of flower and high health. It’s a creamy white with robust and dense flowers.
Hydrangea evoke a special air of romance - they've got style and need very little attention to maintain their beautiful appearance. Nightengale's no exception; its almost flat flower head comprises a centre of tight bud and outer petals in blue. All this with compactness, freedom of flower and high health.
An English lavender selected for its flower colour and habit. Dark violet flowers appear from early summer and last until late March. Very compact form ideal for patios, picking, drying and pot pourii. Looks great planted as an avenue or small hedge where its flowers can be appreciated en masse.
It's hard to not to rave about this exciting English lavender from Virginia McNaughton. In our trials it shone like no other with bright iridescent violet-blue flowers on strong stems and a nicely rounded upright bush with dense mid-green foliage.