An outstanding variegated Pohutukawa with bright crimson flowers over summer. The species hails from the Kermadec Islands. It's a great specimen tree for smaller sections, while in larger gardens it lends itself to mass planting. Once established it'll handle a wide range of conditions and is particularly coastal tolerant.
A creamy yellow variegation over ovate dark green wavy leaves and bright red new stem growth gives an overall tricolour appearence. Compact and bushy in habit ensures a good container subject.Deep crimson blooms in mid summer add to the visual effect. 4 x 3 metre.
Metrosideros Vibrance
Metrosideros excelsa 'Vibrance'
A smaller and showy form of our native Pohutukawa, valuable as a specimen tree for smaller city sections, while in larger and country gardens it lends itself to mass planting - it'd look great as a driveway avenue feature. Once established it'll handle a wide range of conditions and is particulary coastal tolerant.
Evergreen rounded shrub, with oval glossy green leaves. Strongly scented creamy yellow purple edged flowers are produced over the summer months. Can be grown in sun but does better if planted in a warm sheltered position in light shade. Great in tubs. 2.5 x 1 metre.
Michelia Fiona
Michelia 'Fiona'
Sweetly scented, beautiful white flowers opening from velvety buds and deep green, glossy, small foliage make this tall shrub one to cherish. The flowers open in early spring, last for many weeks and cover the bush from top to toe. Even when not in flower 'Fiona' is one of the best evergreen foliage shrubs you can find.
A stunning rich, smokey, dark-grey dwarf flax, with leaf undersides in a distinct silvery blue. It holds its colour well and foliage weeps to form a stylish clump; at home in garden or pot - where it grows quickly to fill a spot or gap. Bold summer flowers attract native birds.
A superb species, one of the hardiest and the most striking. Long arching green leaves all year round, and 2 metre long flower stalks over summer - particularly attractive to native birds. Use as a 'groundbreaker' in new gardens, en masse on banks. Foliage and flowers are great for floral artwork. Grows 1 x 1.2 metres.
A superb and most striking plant. Metre long arching green leaves with cream stripings and red margins.surrounding a broad centre band of cream are its special feature. Likes sun and any reasonable soil. A hardy ornamental. 1 x 1.2m.
Phormium Crimson Devil
Phormium 'Crimson Devil'
Imposing rich red with darker marginned leaves arching gracefully to form a subject prized for its sheer design and simple poise. Use in a myriad of different ways in the garden from feature plants in borders in containers around ponds. Stunning. 75 x75cm.
Phormium Duet
Phormium cookianum 'Duet'
An excellent dwarf flax. Slender erect green leaves broadly banded creamy white. Forming stiff spiky clumps it will grow in any reasonable soil or garden conditions. Suitable for a myriad of landscaping or container uses. 60 x 60cm.