Plants for ... Use in clay soils
Brunnera Jack Frost
Brunnera 'Jack Frost'
Breathtaking; deep rich green foliage generously overlaid with a speckled and deeply veined frost. From late spring tiny clusters of baby-blue "forget-me-not" flowers abound just above the foliage. Excellent choice for underplanting evergreens and brightening shady corners. In a container it brings pleasure near to, or on the patio. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Coprosma Karo Red
Coprosma 'Karo Red'
Eye-catching foliage in tones of emerald through bronze and red to almost black made this selection easy. Its compact habit, outstanding form and striking colour make Karo Red an ideal plant for garden, patio and vase. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Coprosma Painter's Pallete
Coprosma Painter's 'Painter's Pallete'
One of the most attractive of N.Z.'s 'mirrorplants'. A variegated form with splashes of red leaf margins. Wind & coastal tolerant. Hardy. Evergreen. Grows 1.5 x 1.5m. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Coprosma Pink Splendour
Coprosma repens 'Pink Splendour'
Striking cultivar, wavy leaves tinged pink deepening in colour with cooler autumn & winter temperatures. An attractive addition to any garden setting. Drought tolerant, grows in any soil, strives in sun or or shade & withstands salt spray. Evergreen. Grows 1.5 x 1.5m. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Coprosma Rainbow Surprise
Coprosma 'Rainbow Surprise'
A compact small leafed coprosma, with dense twiggy branchlets that change colour from grey to bright pink/rich orange tones during winter. Hardy to all climates & soils. Prefers sunny position. Prune late winter & summer to maintain shape. Evergreen 1.2m. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Cotinus Golden Spirit
Cotinus 'Golden Spirit'
Golden Spirit is a unique new 'Smoke Bush' from Europe, and one with a difference; brilliant lime to golden-yellow foliage from late in spring. As autumn progresses this fresh foliage hue is replaced by vivid coral, orange and red tones. Later in summer it's topped with usual plumes of smoke-like flowers. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Cotinus Royal Purple
Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple'
A small tree with incredible deep claret-purple foliage from spring and through summer. Mid-summer sees a display of pinky-mauve flowers at the foliage tips that resemble a smoke haze, and are not easily forgotten when seen at their best. A slow-growing deciduous tree that's great for a smaller section or courtyard setting. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Genista Yellow Imp
Genista Yellow 'Yellow Imp'
A compact bushy grower producing a profusion of bright yellow blooms for long periods during late spring & summer. Trim after flowering to encourage further blooms in autumn. Will withstand dry conditions & any soil with good drainage. Evergreen. Grows 1x1m. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Grevillea gaudichaudi
Grevillea gaudichaudi
One of the most attractive of all grevillea, Gaudichaudi's grown as much for its stunning deep red and green foliage as it is for the showy brush-like flowers that bloom from spring through to autumn. This evergreen shrub is a real ground hugger that quickly forms a bright carpet of foliage and flower. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
Griselinia Whenuapai
Griselinia littoralis 'Whenuapai'
New Zealand native and an architectural delight - small glossy and rich-green leaves, a tidy narrow columnar habit and dense growth - ideal for screens, wind-break, hedging and topiary work. In the garden it'll grow quickly to form an upright bush, thriving in sun or shade. In nature, it's found throughout New Zealand. Hardiness Zone - suits dark green area - click for details
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Pictures and information intended as a guide only - Apply local knowledge and advice.
Website by KingGrapes
